New Feature - Photo Gallery

One of the most popular features of FormTab is the ability to include photo fields in your forms. Photo fields are now even better with the addition of our brand Photo Gallery option.

Up until now a Photo field would allow you to select only one photo. With the new Photo Gallery option enabled you can have up to 6 images in the one field, making it perfect for situations where a photo is required, but one image might not be enough.

In this article we’ll give you a brief introduction to using Photo Galleries in your forms.


  1. Adding a Photo Gallery field to your form
  2. Filling in Photo Galleries on your iOS device
  3. Filling in Photo Galleries with web forms

1. Adding a Photo Gallery field to your form

Photo Galleries are available to all users. To add a gallery to your form, open the Form Builder and expand the Media section in the field list.


Click or drag a Photo field to your form and click the gear icon to access the field’s advanced settings. Tick the Gallery checkbox and you’re done!


2.  Using Photo Galleries on your iOS device

When using FormTab on iOS a Gallery field behaves much the same as a standard Photo field, although it has a different icon to help users. Tap the field to open the gallery editor.

Tap the + button to open the camera/image browser and select the images you require. A Gallery supports up to 6 images.



You can go back and edit the Gallery images any time. To remove an image, long press on it and tap Delete in the popover that appears.


3. Using Photo Galleries with web forms

When filling a form using FormTab in your browser a Gallery field is identified by the 6 placeholder icons in your form.


To add images, click an icon to select an image to open a file browser or drag a photo directly from your computer.



You can delete photos by clicking the Trash Can icon that appears when you hover over an image.